How Smoking Affects Your Health

We all know breathing is essential and directly linked to our health, breathing fresher air provides less polluted oxygen.Breathing sustains life, every time you breathe in precious oxygen it makes everything work inside your body in the right way.
What happens when your smoke a cigarette and inhale smoke instead of air?
As you are inhaling all that smoke from a single puff, you‘re inhaling seven thousand chemicals, more than 200 known carcinogens, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide ammonia amongst others. But it doesn’t just affect your lungs, every puff of a cigarette is causing your heart to pump faster, your blood pressure to go higher. It affects every single organ system in your body. Smoking can even get you bladder cancer.
Addictive nature of cigarettes
Many people think that smoking is just a bad habit, but it is more than just that as it causes all the above-mentioned diseases and health problems with the respiratory system, blood pressure, cardiovascular system. For many people it a very serious addiction.
Smoking affects look
Smoking doesn’t affect just the inside of our body; it also affects the outside too. Skin is the biggest organ on our body as it covers our whole body, and is just important as the heart. Skin is responsible for toxin release and other functions. Cigarettes age your skin faster than anything else.
Smoking deprives the skin of oxygen and nutrients by affecting your blood vessels. The chemicals that you are addicted to, that cigarettes contain, are triggering …